On 23rd of August, 2021, will take place a meeting of Russian and Indian buyers and sellers «AGRI-BAZAAR». The «AGRI-BAZAAR» is a platform for interaction between Indian exporters and Russian importers in select fruits and vegetables. 30 Indian exporters as well as major Russian associations and retail / wholesale companies such as Magnit, Metro Cash& Carry, X5 and Lenta will participate in the «AGRI-BAZAAR».
The event is organized by the Embassy of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation in participation with «Invest India» and APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority).
Preliminary registration for participation in «AGRI-BAZAAR» is required on the website: https://agri-bazaar.platoo.in/login.
Contact Information:
E-mail: comoffice.moscow@gmail.com
Tel.: +7 909 971 97 33