On the period from 25-th of February to 5-th of March, 2023 the 5-th New Delhi World Book Fair will be held. The event will be organized by the National Book Trust of the Republic of India with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Government of India in the newly built halls of the Pragati Maidan Pavilion.
This fair is one of the oldest and largest book events in Asia and Africa and this year it will be held in preparation for the upcoming G20 summit in New Delhi in December 2023 and will be timed to the 75-th anniversary of India’s independence. More than 50 countries and international organizations are expected to take part in the fair.
In 2021, the Fair was organized virtually and the platform had more than 2.8 million hits, visitors from 70 countries across the world, 150 Indian Exhibitors and about 15 Foreign Exhibitors.
More information about the fair can be found on the official website – https://nbtindia.gov.in/ndwbf2023/index.html.