Bid by the Sri Lankan State Urban Development Authority

The Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in the Russian Federation invites tenders from the Sri Lanka Urban Development Authority under the auspices of the Ministry of Metropolitan Affairs and Development of the Western Region of Sri Lanka.

The Department of Urban Development of Sri Lanka has issued a tender addressed to investors and developers for the mixed development of the quarter called Chalmers Graneries Land, which is part of the Pettah area of Colombo.

As can be seen from the map of Colombo – the main business and commercial center of Sri Lanka – Pettah district borders the prestigious part of town, which is home to a number of government buildings, large hotels and businesses.

The deadline for investors and developers to submit bids is December 18, 2017. (bids must be received no later than 10:30 a.m. local time).

Bids and any requests for additional information should be sent to the following address:

Chairman, Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development
Address: 18th Floor, Suhurupaya, Sri Subuthipura Road, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Phone: +94 11 286 23 42 / +94 11 288 33 08
(Office of the Deputy Director General for Consulting.
Deputy Director General (Consultancy), Consultancy Division, Urban Development Authority)

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